Sunday 24 January 2016

Keeping Healthy

Being healthy was definitely on most people’s list for this year, including mine. I’m usually very healthy as health and fitness are big priorities of mine. I find after christmas and new year that it’s very difficult to go back to my normal, healthy regime after eating all the crisps and biscuits at the end of the year. 
Although this post is a little late into the new year, it’s never too late to start being healthy and fit so here are some tips and things I do to keep healthy.

1. Be motivated
Motivation is a massive part of becoming and keeping healthy. If you’re not motivated, you won’t have the will to try. Have a goal that you want to get to as this will make you want to try in the first place. A goal could be that you want to lose 3lbs in 3 weeks. However, make sure that your goal is achievable. Don’t set an unrealistic goal as you will be really demoralised when you don’t reach it in the time you wanted to. We’ve all been there before so lets make sure we don’t all go back there!

2. Start small
When you first start to be healthy don’t go all in at once. Start off swapping a few unhealthy snacks for some healthy ones and continue eating what you would usually do. Gradually swap your unhealthy meals and snacks for healthier ones and overtime you will get healthier and healthier. This is the way that works for me because if I start all at once, I will always crave a biscuit and end having more than I wanted. Gradually making my way to the healthier food, I find I get less cravings and more motivation to keep going.

3. Buying the right things
When you start to change your diet, don’t go all out and buy all the latest crazes of foods and superfoods as it will be hugely expensive and not worth the money. When you do want to buy a healthy ingredient, research it first, otherwise you’ll buy it with no idea what to do with it and it will end up at the back of the food cupboard! Make small steps with new ingredients, ones you know you’ll eat and that will be a substitute for something you already eat. For example, soya mince has less fat in that beef mince so substitute the beef for soya, this way it’s healthier for you, and cheaper!

4. Have some ‘cheeky’ days
Now this sounds a little silly, I know. But you must have a couple of those ‘cheeky’ days. These are the days that you indulge yourself a bit on something that you’ve missed that week. I find these days are best on a Sunday since people tend to chill out more then so they’ll enjoy in more then rather than quickly munching away on a chocolate bar at their desk. And make the most of it, because on Monday you won’t be eating it!

5. Water Water Water
Water is so super good for you and fills you up. You’ll find if you drink more water throughout the day you won’t get so hungry as the water is filling up your stomach. Also drinking water is generally very good for you as it cleanses and detoxes your skin all the time which is of course fab! So when you’re feeling peckish but you haven’t got a healthy snack to hand, have a glass of water, it will take away the hunger and the cravings for some naughty food.

These are my ways of keeping and staying healthy, what are yours? Are they any different to mine? If they are, let me know in the comments below and I can try your ways of keeping healthy!

Lots of Love

x  x  x

My social media links

Instagram: Themed: @tasha__may (2 underscores) Personal: @tashaaamay
Twitter: @tashaaamay

If you’re a business and you want to contact me, please email me here: